November gardening chores really highlight the differences in regional gardens. For many, there is no November garden to speak of. Others can't wait for the cool days and slower pace of fall vegetable gardening. But even if your garden is already covered in snow, there are still garden tasks calling: last-minute bulbs to plant, leaves that should not go to waste, roses that need some TLC and, unfortunately, insect pests are much hardier than their tiny size would suggest. You will still want to be on the alert for signs of trouble, inside and out.
On a more positive side, winter is a great time to evaluate your garden layout. You can clearly see the architecture or bones of your garden. If the view of your garden is less than inspiring or non-existent in winter, you should make some notes to add more definition in terms of things like structures, evergreens, or other architectural elements.
Take a look at what you could be doing in your November garden and try to schedule a little time outdoors before the holidays claim you! Interestingly enough, according to clients who have written in, tweezers are a good tool to have in your gardening tool box and not just for splinters!